Photo Tagging on Steroids and Memory Stamp

We all subscribe to the motto "camera diem" and never hesitate to grab our devices to capture every moment. We created MemoryWeb to make looking at our massive photo collection more fun. The features we built help people organize and view our photos exactly how we would want to.

We want to walk you through two of our favorite features: photo tagging on steroids and Memory Stamp.

Photo tagging on steroids

We think photo tagging should be fast and easy. With MemoryWeb, you can work with multiple photos at once by tapping “select” and then tapping the photos you want to work with.

At the bottom of the screen, you’ll see a bar that lets you:

  • Tag the photos to a collection (our name for albums)
  • Tag people in photos
  • Change the location and day
  • Share the selected photos via Facebook, email etc.
  • Print photos (to your printer, or even to Walgreens!)
  • Delete photos

Memory stamp

If you want to share your photos, you probably want to give some details along with it. At MemoryWeb, we save you a few steps by exporting photos you’re sharing with a Memory Stamp. It’s an overlay on your photo that includes important details, letting you tell a complete story of a special moment.

The Memory Stamp includes the date, location, caption and people featured in the photo. If you need to send a photo without the Memory Stamp, simply go to “settings,” then under “photo export” toggle the switch for “export with tags” to off.

These are just two of our favorite features, but MemoryWeb offers even more! Start your free trial today and watch your digital archive come alive.