Letting details travel with photos (a.k.a. metadata portability) is the difference, to be exact.
When photos are moved from one platform to another, many “back-of-the-photo” details are not transferred or are even overwritten with incorrect data. Aside from the inconvenience this poses for photo owners today, the bigger impact may be a future where generations inheriting family picture archives will not understand the full story behind them.
Tags should travel with your photos, so we built MemoryWeb to make sure your details go everywhere your pictures do -- coming and going, inside and outside the app. Here's how we solve metadata portability issues by allowing you to gather, edit, navigate, and export your photos with tags. . .
When you import photos into MemoryWeb, we not only gather the typical tags, but we also attach smart tags for you that would otherwise be lost.
Want to make sure all the “back-of-the-photo” details are correct? Well, now you can!
Tags you can add/edit in bulk:
Additional tags you can edit on individual photos:
Here are some brief video tutorials that can show how to add/edit tags:
Viewing, adding and editing photo tags
Inside the app, we have Dot-Tags that allow you to navigate between tags (and photos) which act as a web from one photo to the next.
When you're ready to do something with your photos outside the app, we embed the tag details inside the file metadata. We call the that process File DNA (learn more about that here).
Worried about the tags being stripped out or want to show all the details front-and-center? Our memory stamp feature lets you share photos with the details of your choosing as part of the photo, like the example below. Learn more about memory stamp options here.